By Jason Kincaid, TechCrunch – March 18, 2010 at 01:27PM
Today, YouTube and Viacom unsealed many of the documents related to their longstanding copyright litigation, in which Viacom has sued Google for $1 billion. Viacom alleges that YouTube willingly facilitated the distribution of copyrighted material, and used it to boost its own traffic (while hurting Viacom’s bottom line in the process). We’re embedding the documents, which were released minutes ago, below (it may take a few minutes to get them all posted). We’ll be posting throughout the morning on what these documents reveal.
YouTube’s Brief
Viacom Summary Judgement Motion
Viacom Summary Judgment Motion
Viacom Statement of Undisputed Facts
Viacom Statement of Undisputed Facts
Photo Credit/Flickr/ifindkarma